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Congratulations on the successful entrance of Qi Gao valve to China Huadian Grou

2015-05-11 Number of attention:

On May 1, 2015, Shanghai Qigao Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (http://slnb.com.cn) obtained the group-level supplier certificate of China Huadian Group's bidding and purchasing network with excellent qualifications after a rigorous examination of the bidding and purchasing network of China Huadian Group. Congratulations. "Src =" http://slnb.com.cn) After a rigorous review of the bidding and procurement network of China Huadian Group Corporation, Huadian Group has obtained the group-level supplier membership certificate of the bidding and procurement network of China Huadian Group Company with excellent qualifications. Congratulations. "> slnb.com.cn) After a rigorous review of the bidding and procurement network of China Huadian Group Corporation, the group-level supplier certificate of the bidding and procurement network of China Huadian Group Corporation was obtained with excellent qualifications. Congratulations.

康马县| 天全县| 中西区| 陈巴尔虎旗| 鲜城| 江北区| 遵义县| 杭锦后旗| 来凤县| 安多县| 故城县| 横峰县| 堆龙德庆县| 漠河县|